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First time in China: Guangzhou metro Line 14 Knowledge City branch realized the real time monitoring of 30-channel HD video

December 29th is the second day of operation for Guangzhou metro Line 9, Line 13, south part of Line 4 and Line 14 Knowledge City branch. Line 14 Knowledge City branch used the new generation of wireless communication technology and ealized the whole carriage real-time monitoring of 30-channel HD video in single train for the first time in the world. 24 HD cameras were installed in Line 14 metro, and 3HD cameras were installed in the driver’s cab. No matter in the peak time or off-peak time, the real-time monitoring video can be transmitted directly to the metro control center and the police station.


This technology was independently developed by Guangdong Nufront. The general manager, Chen Fenghua, said “It can be regarded as pulling an invisible fiber between the metro carriages and the ground, which can continuously transmit the HD monitoring video to the ground.”


The journalist noticed that the first-phase of Guangzhou metro Line 14 and Line 21, which are expected to open at the end of 2018, will also be equipped with such kind of communication technology. In the future, Guangzhou metro will further cooperate with Nufront. Their technology will satisfy the demand of Wi-Fi Internet access for metro passengers.



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